Do you want to ROW IN COLLEGE?

Are you an aspiring college rower? Do you understand what it takes to be a college athlete? What coaches are looking for in a recruit, from 2k scores to academics to other intangible qualities? What about the timeline for communicating with coaches or setting up a visit?

Fortunately, possibilities for college rowing are limitless. However, understanding what you are looking for in a college program requires an understanding of the recruiting process and the college rowing landscape as a whole. The importance of making the right decision, one that offers the ideal balance and environment you are looking for, can be overwhelming.

Our goal is to provide clarity on the recruiting process so you can understand the options and make the decision that best suits you athletically, academically, and personally. It’s about finding the fit that will set you up for long term success!

  • Understanding the options.

    Get a clear picture of the college rowing landscape. Understand the different levels, from Division 1 to Division 3 to Club, and the pros and cons of each. Learn how to research the schools and identify which ones might interest you.

  • Does the school match my "pillars".

    Does the school have what I want to study? Is it in a location I would like to be in? What size am I looking for? How about the campus?

  • Let's talk about rowing!

    Do I fully understand what it takes to be college athlete? What am I looking for in my college rowing experience? Do I want to compete at the highest level, or have more balance?

  • Communicating with coaches.

    Where do I begin? How do I initiate the conversation with a coach? What questions should I ask? How do I learn what they are looking for in a recruit?

  • Narrowing down your list.

    Learn the right questions to ask yourself to discover your “short list” of schools. Narrow down your list so you can think more clearly about what you truly want. Begin developing a positive relationship with the coaching staff.

  • Making your decision!

    Does this school feel right? Does it match what I am looking for both on and off the water? Does it make sense for my family? Do I feel like I can have long term success here. If all of these are yes, then LET’S DO IT!

Finding the right college program for you…

Our goal is to help aspiring college rowers find the program that aligns with what they are looking for in the college rowing experience.

The first step is learning all about who you are an athlete, and beginning to figure out the key pillars you will be basing this search around. We are here to help you navigate this path!

To start, schedule a Zoom meeting and fill out our Athlete Questionnaire. The questionnaire will ask about your goals, where you are in the process, and what you are looking for as an aspiring college rower. This will set the stage for our conversation!

Take control of the recruiting process with PERFORMANCE COACHING

For high school rowers who are looking for additional coaching for the purpose of improving your erg scores, increasing strength and power, and to better position yourself as an aspiring college rower.

Fitness and erg scores matter, both for boat selection and when trying to get recruited. Learning how to train more effectively can help set you up for long term success and expand your opportunities in the recruiting process.

Performance Coaching helps provide athletes the opportunity to take control of their rowing journey.